Cardio Karate – The only workout for your ‘Mind, Body & Soul’…
To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.
To uncover your true potential you must first find your own limits and then you have to have the courage to blow past them.
Keep fit, have fun and ‘love’ your life.
Cardio Karate?
Cardio Karate is a ‘Holistic’ Health & Well Being Method which incorporates the many moves of traditional Karate.
Although disciplined, it has free movement, incorporating attack and defense techniques thereby allowing one to maintain skills while away from the Dojo and maintain ‘optimum fitness levels’.
Cardio Karate is for all ages and all fitness levels!
Where Can I Do a Cardio Karate Workout?
Cardio Karate uses your body as resistance – therefore you do not need ‘any’ equipment for most of the workouts.
Some of the workouts incorporate Pads and Bags – but most are using your own body as resistance.
You can workout anywhere in the world, just as long as you have access to a Cardio Karate video and 2 x 3 square meters of space.
Who is Cardio Karate For?
Cardio Karate is for ‘everyone’ – no matter what age or fitness level you are, we offer beginners workouts plus advanced work out videos.
You do not need to have had ‘any’ experience of Karate before using the videos as we provide ‘Technique Videos’ for each Series of Workouts.
If you are one of the millions of students who have practiced Martial Arts at some time in their lives and are familiar with the movements – then Cardio Karate will ensure that Karate remains an integral part of your daily lifestyle.
If you have lost some of your skills, don’t worry HANS’ LEVEL 1, 2, 3 FOR BEGINNERS will refresh you. All of your old skills will return and after a few sessions you will have retained your speed, your super-fit level and your stunning hardcore body again.
Hans’ Level 1,2,3 for Beginners teaches the movements that you will need to become a fully participating Cardio Karate student. Each video is 30 minutes of training and will get you back in shape ‘rapidly’.
When you are ready for HANS’ ADVANCED LEVEL 1, 2 ,3 (45 minutes), get that belt of yours out of the cupboard, strap it on and become that cool, disciplined, superstar of yesterday and have lots of fun!
Where can I find Cardio Karate?
Just ‘click here’ and you can view Hans’ YouTube Channel.
You can work-out at home, whilst in your hotel, holiday resort or just feeling a bit ragged after a meeting with some difficult clients and want to get “rid” of “it”.
45 minutes later you are back on top of the world!!! !!
When do you do Cardio Karate?
As long as your Doctor has confirmed you are fit and healthy…………….DO IT EVERY DAY!!
Who does Cardio Karate?
WKF (WORLD KARATE FEDERATION) estimate 100,000,000 students train karate everyday. Not all can make it to the Dojo.
What are you waiting for? GET TRAINING TODAY!
Hans De Leeuw